Thursday, July 19, 2012

That awkward moment when...

Visualize in your minds...

-William and I had been dating for about 3 months *we knew we were going to get married at this point we just hadn't told any one yet as we were planning to on Thanksgiving Day* See where this is headed?

-My mother and I worked at the same place.

-William came to visit and to bring us a smoothie and grilled cheese.

-We are all hanging out talking about nothing really when William says "I already told Tere, when we get married I cant wear a ring because of work"
*He starts trailing off the last few words because he knows he just spilled the beans*

-My mother gives us the death / confused/ what the hell are you talking about when you get married look.

-I laugh and try to cover up the mess that William has created

-William leaves

-Mother doesn't stop asking questions and wants answers.

-That awkward moment when... The mother finds out you have plans to be married. 
Funny right?

Throw Back Thursday-2009


  1. throw back! That is great, freaking william always spillin' beans!

  2. Haha oh William!! My mum had to sit down when we told her we were getting married!

    1. Oh know. I hope it's because she was so excited and not upset! Ha

  3. That awkward moment when your boyfriend proposes in front of your extended family... and everyones mouth drops.

    that happens. it happens when you're 18.

    Glad yours stuck!

    1. Oh crap. I would die. 18 that's crazy talk right there. But then again, I guess I was 19.

  4. Hahaha poor you. That's not fair that he left you there to clean up the mess he made.

    The first question out of my mom's mouth was "He doesn't need a green card does he?" (since my husband is Mexican, but she didn't know he was born in LA.) That was pretty awkward.
    My husband and I knew that we were going to get married the moment we met. Of course we didn't tell our parents that.


    1. Ha a green card. I love how people assume.mdid she ask that in front of him?


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